Every arena of life intersects with what’s going on in our hearts. Andy Stanley Adler2017-11-26T22:02:10+00:00Categories: Andy Stanley|Tags: Life|
Good excuses rarely collect dust. We use them, and use them, and use them. Tony Evans Adler2017-11-26T20:21:48+00:00Categories: Andy Stanley|
Ministry makes people’s faith bigger. If you want to increase someone’s confidence in God..Andy Stanley Adler2017-11-23T17:26:05+00:00Categories: Andy Stanley|Tags: Faith|
Loyalty publicly results in leverage privately. Andy Stanley Adler2017-11-23T16:44:50+00:00Categories: Andy Stanley|Tags: Loyalty|
It is when our hearts are stirred that we become most aware of what they contain. Andy Stanley Adler2017-11-17T23:29:05+00:00Categories: Andy Stanley|Tags: Self-awareness|