Faith never denies reality but leaves room for God to grant a new reality. Jim Cymbala Adler2020-01-13T23:38:15+00:00Categories: Jim Cymbala|Tags: Faith, God|
I despaired at the thought that my life might slip by without seeing God show himself mightily on our behalf. Jim Cymbala Adler2020-01-13T23:13:23+00:00Categories: Jim Cymbala|Tags: God, Life|
The old saying is true: If you have only the Word, you dry up. If you have only the Spirit, you blow up. But if you have both, you grow up. Jim Cymbala Adler2020-01-13T23:01:11+00:00Categories: Jim Cymbala|Tags: Bible, Growth, Spirit|
No matter what I preach or what we claim to believe in our heads, the future will depend upon our times of prayer. Jim Cymbala Adler2020-01-13T22:54:54+00:00Categories: Jim Cymbala|Tags: Believe, Prayer|
Jesus called fishermen, not graduates of rabbinical schools. The main requirement was to be natural and sincere. Jim Cymbala Adler2020-01-13T22:47:55+00:00Categories: Jim Cymbala|Tags: Fisherman, Jesus|
God is more powerful than anybody’s past, no matter how wretched. He can make us forget – not by erasing the memory but by taking the sting and… Jim Cymbala Adler2020-01-13T22:33:03+00:00Categories: Jim Cymbala|Tags: God, Power|