If we are the sheep of His pasture, remember that sheep are headed for the altar. Adler2020-02-08T22:35:34+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: Altar, Sheep|
Lord, make my way prosperous not that I achieve high station, but that my life be an exhibit to the value of knowing God. Adler2020-02-08T22:32:11+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: God, Lord, Prosper|
The will of God is always a bigger thing than we bargain for, but we must believe that whatever it involves, it is good, acceptable and perfect. Adler2020-02-08T22:25:15+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: God, Good, Perfect|
Lord, give me firmness without hardness, steadfastness without dogmatism, love without weakness. Adler2020-02-08T22:21:14+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: Lord, Love, Weakness|
Let not our longing slay the appetite of our living. Adler2020-02-08T22:17:32+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: Living|
Forgive me for being so ordinary while claiming to know so extraordinary a God. Adler2020-02-08T22:13:55+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: Forgive, God|
Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God. Adler2020-02-08T22:10:44+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: God|
He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose. Adler2020-02-08T22:06:31+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: Fool|