Even when things seem to be going wrong, they just could be going right because when you’re in God’s will, the negatives are part of his positive program. Tony Evans Adler2017-09-15T22:56:05+00:00Categories: Tony Evans|Tags: God's Will|
You are not fighting for victory—you are fighting from victory. This battle has already been won! Tony Evans Adler2017-09-15T11:07:37+00:00Categories: Tony Evans|Tags: Battles, Victory|
One of the major problems leading to the breakdown of society is that we have far too many opinions dictating life choices and not enough truth mandating them. Tony Evans Adler2017-09-15T11:02:59+00:00Categories: Tony Evans|Tags: Life, Problems, Society|
But as long as you are in God’s world, where God has set the rules, you must abide by His rules or you become a rebel against His kingdom government. Tony Evans Adler2017-09-15T11:01:06+00:00Categories: Tony Evans|Tags: Government, Kingdom|
The single greatest reason why we are losing a generation is because the home is no longer the place of the transference of the faith. Tony Evans Adler2017-09-15T10:58:16+00:00Categories: Tony Evans|Tags: Children, Faith|
Many in our society want the benefits of freedom without its responsibilities and boundaries. -Tony Evans Adler2017-09-13T19:40:25+00:00Categories: Tony Evans|
Faith is acting as if God is telling the truth. Tony Evans Adler2017-09-13T19:48:09+00:00Categories: Tony Evans|Tags: Faith|
Success is not what you have done compared to what others have done. -Tony Evans Adler2017-09-13T19:50:21+00:00Categories: Tony Evans|Tags: God's Will|
If all you see is what you see, you will never see all that there is to be seen. Tony Evans Adler2017-09-13T19:52:02+00:00Categories: Tony Evans|Tags: vision|
Simply defined, prayer is earthly permission for heavenly interference. Tony Evans Adler2017-09-13T19:46:07+00:00Categories: Tony Evans|Tags: Love, Prayer|