And trust Him to bring people into your life who can push you ahead and whom you can push ahead in His plans. Mike Todd Adler2021-08-13T23:01:41+00:00Categories: Mike Todd|Tags: God, Life, Plans, Trust|
When who you are is grounded in whose you are, you realize it doesn’t matter what life throws your way. Tim Tebow Adler2020-09-07T00:37:13+00:00Categories: Tim Tebow|Tags: Life|
The life of faith is lived one day at a time, and it has to be lived – not always looked forward to as though the “real” living were around the next corner. Adler2020-02-14T23:01:32+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Faith, Life|
No one can sum up all God is able to accomplish through one solitary life, wholly yielded, adjusted, and obedient to Him. Adler2020-01-29T15:41:45+00:00Categories: D.L. Moody|Tags: God, Life|
The Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation. Adler2020-01-29T14:43:31+00:00Categories: D.L. Moody|Tags: Bible, Life|
I despaired at the thought that my life might slip by without seeing God show himself mightily on our behalf. Jim Cymbala Adler2020-01-13T23:13:23+00:00Categories: Jim Cymbala|Tags: God, Life|
Sometimes to get your life back, you have to face the death of what you thought your life would look like. Lysa TerKeurst Adler2019-10-30T19:10:06+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Death, Life|
Don’t allow the unrealistic demands of others to march freely into your life. Lysa TerKeurst Adler2019-10-28T19:51:24+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Life|
Instead of always looking to get fulfillment from my loved ones and the other blessings in my life, I can simply enjoy them for what they are. Adler2019-10-17T08:39:32+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Blessings, Life, Love|
Choose to view life through God’s eyes. Charles Swindoll Adler2019-01-18T18:44:42+00:00Categories: Chuck Swindoll|Tags: Eye, God, Life|
You can not live your life just based on what everyone else thinks. Joyce Meyer Quotes Adler2018-07-23T00:30:04+00:00Categories: Joyce Meyer|Tags: Life|
People often seem to think that when you’re following the Lord and trying to do His will, your path will always be clear, the….. Tim Tebow Adler2020-09-06T23:07:23+00:00Categories: Tim Tebow|Tags: Life, Lord, People|
Every arena of life intersects with what’s going on in our hearts. Andy Stanley Adler2017-11-26T22:02:10+00:00Categories: Andy Stanley|Tags: Life|
God never takes away something from your life without replacing it with something better. Billy Graham Adler2017-10-11T20:36:54+00:00Categories: Billy Graham|Tags: Life|
One of the major problems leading to the breakdown of society is that we have far too many opinions dictating life choices and not enough truth mandating them. Tony Evans Adler2017-09-15T11:02:59+00:00Categories: Tony Evans|Tags: Life, Problems, Society|