The only way our faith can strengthen is if we use it. Lysa TerKeurst Adler2019-11-04T14:08:50+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Glory, Satan, Shame|
When my brain begs me to doubt God, as it most certainly does, I find relief for my unbelief by laying down my human assessments and assumptions; I turn from the Tree of Knowledge and fix my gaze on the Tree of Life. Lysa TerKeurst Adler2019-10-31T18:39:56+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: God, Satan|
Remember: The pain isn’t the enemy. Pain is the indicator that brokenness exists. Lysa TerKeurst Adler2019-10-30T19:46:49+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Glory, God, Satan|
God can take what Satan meant for shame and use it for His glory. Lysa TerKeurst Adler2019-11-04T18:34:19+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Glory, God, Satan|
Satan has constitutional superiority over every man and woman because he is a spirit being. Tony Evans Adler2017-12-10T00:53:48+00:00Categories: Tony Evans|Tags: Satan|
God’s Word—His truth—trumps Satan. Tony Evans Adler2017-09-16T05:05:30+00:00Categories: Tony Evans|Tags: Satan, Truth|
Keep in mind as you face Satan’s tricks of deception that you cannot fight him on your own, with your own methods, or even with your own thoughts. Tony Evans Adler2017-09-16T05:00:20+00:00Categories: Tony Evans|Tags: Satan|
A woman who wants to be the head of her home invites the Devil to take over her family. Tony Evans Adler2017-09-16T03:57:37+00:00Categories: Tony Evans|Tags: Satan|