There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Death pays all debts. -T.D. JakesAdler2020-07-04T18:40:59+00:00Categories: T.D. Jakes|Tags: Death| The Man from Galilee taught us that a successful marriage isn’t about selfishness; it’s about selflessness. A.R. BernardAdler2020-05-09T22:24:20+00:00Categories: A.R. Bernard|Tags: Marriage, Selfishness, Successful| When a woman feels understood, it is easier for her to feel loved. When she feels loved, she is more inclined to give of herself in the relationship. A.R. BernardAdler2020-05-09T22:17:56+00:00Categories: A.R. Bernard|Tags: Loved, Woman| Our choices determine our destiny. A.R. BernardAdler2020-05-09T22:15:30+00:00Categories: A.R. Bernard|Tags: Destiny| We’ve come to believe, wrongly, that the roles of husband and wife are interchangeable. A.R. BernardAdler2020-05-08T21:19:26+00:00Categories: A.R. Bernard|Tags: Husband, Wife| No weapon will breach the armor of a woman’s resentment like tenderness.Adler2020-02-16T21:35:16+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Armor, Weapon| A man must at times be hard as nails: willing to face up to the truth about himself, and about the woman he loves, refusing compromise when compromise is wrong. But he must also be tender.Adler2020-02-16T21:20:42+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Love, Man, Refuse| Obedience to God is always possible.Adler2020-02-16T21:18:00+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: God, Obedience| It is a deadly error to fall into the notion that when feelings are extremely strong we can do nothing but act on them.Adler2020-02-16T21:15:00+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Fall, Strong| Work is a blessing. God has so arranged the world that work is necessary, and He gives us hands and strength to do it.Adler2020-02-16T21:12:15+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Blessings, God, Work| The enjoyment of leisure would be nothing if we had only leisure.Adler2020-02-16T21:09:47+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Leisure| It is the joy of work well done that enables us to enjoy rest, just as it is the experiences of hunger and thirst that make food and drink such pleasures.Adler2020-02-16T21:07:31+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Hunger, Joy, Rest| Worship is not an experience. Worship is an act, and this takes discipline.Adler2020-02-16T21:03:18+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Worship| We are to worship ”in spirit and in truth.” Never mind about the feelings. We are to worship in spite of them.Adler2020-02-16T20:36:34+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Feelings, Truth, Worship| Faith’s most severe tests come not when we see nothing, but when we see a stunning array of evidence that seems to prove our faith vain.Adler2020-02-15T02:28:51+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Faith| To love God is to love His will. It is to wait quietly for life to be measured by One who knows us through and through. It is to be content with His timing and His wise appointment.Adler2020-02-14T23:20:09+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: God, Love, Waiting| The life of faith is lived one day at a time, and it has to be lived – not always looked forward to as though the “real” living were around the next corner.Adler2020-02-14T23:01:32+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Faith, Life| We are not meant to die merely in order to be dead. God could not want that for the creatures to whom He has given the breath of life. We die in order to live.Adler2020-02-12T01:08:46+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Die, God, Live| If we are the sheep of His pasture, remember that sheep are headed for the altar.Adler2020-02-08T22:35:34+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: Altar, Sheep| Lord, make my way prosperous not that I achieve high station, but that my life be an exhibit to the value of knowing God.Adler2020-02-08T22:32:11+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: God, Lord, Prosper| The will of God is always a bigger thing than we bargain for, but we must believe that whatever it involves, it is good, acceptable and perfect.Adler2020-02-08T22:25:15+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: God, Good, Perfect| Lord, give me firmness without hardness, steadfastness without dogmatism, love without weakness.Adler2020-02-08T22:21:14+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: Lord, Love, Weakness| Let not our longing slay the appetite of our living.Adler2020-02-08T22:17:32+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: Living| Forgive me for being so ordinary while claiming to know so extraordinary a God.Adler2020-02-08T22:13:55+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: Forgive, God| Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.Adler2020-02-08T22:10:44+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: God| Previous123Next Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... Adler2020-02-05T20:54:04+00:00Categories: George Mueller|Tags: Glory, God| FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterest Related Posts
The Man from Galilee taught us that a successful marriage isn’t about selfishness; it’s about selflessness. A.R. BernardAdler2020-05-09T22:24:20+00:00Categories: A.R. Bernard|Tags: Marriage, Selfishness, Successful|
When a woman feels understood, it is easier for her to feel loved. When she feels loved, she is more inclined to give of herself in the relationship. A.R. BernardAdler2020-05-09T22:17:56+00:00Categories: A.R. Bernard|Tags: Loved, Woman|
Our choices determine our destiny. A.R. BernardAdler2020-05-09T22:15:30+00:00Categories: A.R. Bernard|Tags: Destiny|
We’ve come to believe, wrongly, that the roles of husband and wife are interchangeable. A.R. BernardAdler2020-05-08T21:19:26+00:00Categories: A.R. Bernard|Tags: Husband, Wife|
No weapon will breach the armor of a woman’s resentment like tenderness.Adler2020-02-16T21:35:16+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Armor, Weapon|
A man must at times be hard as nails: willing to face up to the truth about himself, and about the woman he loves, refusing compromise when compromise is wrong. But he must also be tender.Adler2020-02-16T21:20:42+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Love, Man, Refuse|
Obedience to God is always possible.Adler2020-02-16T21:18:00+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: God, Obedience|
It is a deadly error to fall into the notion that when feelings are extremely strong we can do nothing but act on them.Adler2020-02-16T21:15:00+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Fall, Strong|
Work is a blessing. God has so arranged the world that work is necessary, and He gives us hands and strength to do it.Adler2020-02-16T21:12:15+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Blessings, God, Work|
The enjoyment of leisure would be nothing if we had only leisure.Adler2020-02-16T21:09:47+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Leisure|
It is the joy of work well done that enables us to enjoy rest, just as it is the experiences of hunger and thirst that make food and drink such pleasures.Adler2020-02-16T21:07:31+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Hunger, Joy, Rest|
Worship is not an experience. Worship is an act, and this takes discipline.Adler2020-02-16T21:03:18+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Worship|
We are to worship ”in spirit and in truth.” Never mind about the feelings. We are to worship in spite of them.Adler2020-02-16T20:36:34+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Feelings, Truth, Worship|
Faith’s most severe tests come not when we see nothing, but when we see a stunning array of evidence that seems to prove our faith vain.Adler2020-02-15T02:28:51+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Faith|
To love God is to love His will. It is to wait quietly for life to be measured by One who knows us through and through. It is to be content with His timing and His wise appointment.Adler2020-02-14T23:20:09+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: God, Love, Waiting|
The life of faith is lived one day at a time, and it has to be lived – not always looked forward to as though the “real” living were around the next corner.Adler2020-02-14T23:01:32+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Faith, Life|
We are not meant to die merely in order to be dead. God could not want that for the creatures to whom He has given the breath of life. We die in order to live.Adler2020-02-12T01:08:46+00:00Categories: Elisabeth Elliot|Tags: Die, God, Live|
If we are the sheep of His pasture, remember that sheep are headed for the altar.Adler2020-02-08T22:35:34+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: Altar, Sheep|
Lord, make my way prosperous not that I achieve high station, but that my life be an exhibit to the value of knowing God.Adler2020-02-08T22:32:11+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: God, Lord, Prosper|
The will of God is always a bigger thing than we bargain for, but we must believe that whatever it involves, it is good, acceptable and perfect.Adler2020-02-08T22:25:15+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: God, Good, Perfect|
Lord, give me firmness without hardness, steadfastness without dogmatism, love without weakness.Adler2020-02-08T22:21:14+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: Lord, Love, Weakness|
Let not our longing slay the appetite of our living.Adler2020-02-08T22:17:32+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: Living|
Forgive me for being so ordinary while claiming to know so extraordinary a God.Adler2020-02-08T22:13:55+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: Forgive, God|
Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.Adler2020-02-08T22:10:44+00:00Categories: Jim Elliot|Tags: God|