After the Lord has tried our faith, he, in the love of His heart, gives us an abundance. After the Lord has tried our faith, he, in the love of His heart, gives us an abundance. Replace the negative talk that will hinder you. Replace it with praises for God, who will deliver you. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-30T19:31:44+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: God, Negative| God’s promises are not dependent on my ability to always choose well, but rather on His ability to use well. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2020-01-06T19:57:20+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: God, Promises| My imperfections will never override God’s promises. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-12-04T20:04:52+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: God, Promises| Too many people think that finding the reason God placed us here on earth will come in one assignment with a big title and complete job description. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-30T19:19:31+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Earth, God| God’s Word is the Truth. And His Truth says you are a holy and dearly loved child of your heavenly Father.Adler2019-10-30T19:13:01+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Holy, Truth, Word| Sometimes to get your life back, you have to face the death of what you thought your life would look like. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-30T19:10:06+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Death, Life| Don’t allow the unrealistic demands of others to march freely into your life. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-28T19:51:24+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Life| Don’t get so consumed by and focused on the mess—the feelings of rejection, hurt, and disillusionment—that you miss the miracle. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-27T20:41:20+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Miracle, Rejection| My heart struggles to make peace between God’s ability to change hard things and His apparent decision not to change them for me. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-27T20:32:12+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: God, Heart, Peace| The schedule you keep determines the life you live. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-27T20:25:31+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Live, Schedule| Find that courageous yes. Fight for that confident no. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-20T20:03:51+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Confident, Fight| Rejection—It may be a delay. It may be a distraction. It may even be a devastation for a season but it is not your final destination. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-19T17:23:00+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Distraction, Rejection| Because the need to be loved and accepted runs so deep, we find ourselves doing things we never thought possible just to try to satisfy those desires. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-19T16:54:47+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Acceptance, Love| Some prisons don’t require bars to keep people locked inside. All it takes is their perception that they belong there. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-17T21:32:06+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: prisons| The Devil is vicious, but he’s not victorious. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-27T20:56:15+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Devil, Victory| Instead of always looking to get fulfillment from my loved ones and the other blessings in my life, I can simply enjoy them for what they are.Adler2019-10-17T08:39:32+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Blessings, Life, Love| I’m going to stop flirting with the unstable things of this world so I can fall completely in love with You. I am loved. I am held….Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-16T17:45:56+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: God, Love, World| A woman who lives with the stress of an overwhelmed schedule will often ache with the sadness of an underwhelmed soul. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-16T17:38:09+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Stress, Woman| The mind feasts on what it focuses on. What consumes my thinking will be the making or the breaking of my identity. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-16T17:31:13+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: identity, Mind| We must not confuse the command to love with the disease to please. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-15T21:00:51+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Confusion, disease| Rejection steals the best of who I am by reinforcing the worst of what’s been said to me. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-15T20:39:14+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Rejection| Just when we think we’ve messed up so badly that our lives are nothing but heaps of ashes, God pours His living water over us and mixes the ashes into clay. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-15T20:28:57+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Ashes, God, Water| Feelings are indicators, not dictators. They can indicate where your heart is in the moment, but that doesn’t mean they have the right to dictate your behavior and boss you around. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-15T20:23:38+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Dictators, Heart| God can take what Satan meant for shame and use it for His glory. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-11-04T18:34:19+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Glory, God, Satan| The strength of patience hangs on our capacity to believe that God is up to something good for us in all our delays and detours. John PiperAdler2019-10-15T17:52:40+00:00Categories: John Piper|Tags: God, Good, Strength| Previous678Next Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... Adler2020-02-05T17:18:40+00:00Categories: George Mueller|Tags: Faith, Lord, Love| FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedInTumblrPinterest Related Posts
Replace the negative talk that will hinder you. Replace it with praises for God, who will deliver you. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-30T19:31:44+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: God, Negative|
God’s promises are not dependent on my ability to always choose well, but rather on His ability to use well. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2020-01-06T19:57:20+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: God, Promises|
My imperfections will never override God’s promises. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-12-04T20:04:52+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: God, Promises|
Too many people think that finding the reason God placed us here on earth will come in one assignment with a big title and complete job description. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-30T19:19:31+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Earth, God|
God’s Word is the Truth. And His Truth says you are a holy and dearly loved child of your heavenly Father.Adler2019-10-30T19:13:01+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Holy, Truth, Word|
Sometimes to get your life back, you have to face the death of what you thought your life would look like. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-30T19:10:06+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Death, Life|
Don’t allow the unrealistic demands of others to march freely into your life. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-28T19:51:24+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Life|
Don’t get so consumed by and focused on the mess—the feelings of rejection, hurt, and disillusionment—that you miss the miracle. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-27T20:41:20+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Miracle, Rejection|
My heart struggles to make peace between God’s ability to change hard things and His apparent decision not to change them for me. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-27T20:32:12+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: God, Heart, Peace|
The schedule you keep determines the life you live. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-27T20:25:31+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Live, Schedule|
Find that courageous yes. Fight for that confident no. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-20T20:03:51+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Confident, Fight|
Rejection—It may be a delay. It may be a distraction. It may even be a devastation for a season but it is not your final destination. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-19T17:23:00+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Distraction, Rejection|
Because the need to be loved and accepted runs so deep, we find ourselves doing things we never thought possible just to try to satisfy those desires. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-19T16:54:47+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Acceptance, Love|
Some prisons don’t require bars to keep people locked inside. All it takes is their perception that they belong there. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-17T21:32:06+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: prisons|
The Devil is vicious, but he’s not victorious. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-27T20:56:15+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Devil, Victory|
Instead of always looking to get fulfillment from my loved ones and the other blessings in my life, I can simply enjoy them for what they are.Adler2019-10-17T08:39:32+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Blessings, Life, Love|
I’m going to stop flirting with the unstable things of this world so I can fall completely in love with You. I am loved. I am held….Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-16T17:45:56+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: God, Love, World|
A woman who lives with the stress of an overwhelmed schedule will often ache with the sadness of an underwhelmed soul. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-16T17:38:09+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Stress, Woman|
The mind feasts on what it focuses on. What consumes my thinking will be the making or the breaking of my identity. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-16T17:31:13+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: identity, Mind|
We must not confuse the command to love with the disease to please. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-15T21:00:51+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Confusion, disease|
Rejection steals the best of who I am by reinforcing the worst of what’s been said to me. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-15T20:39:14+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Rejection|
Just when we think we’ve messed up so badly that our lives are nothing but heaps of ashes, God pours His living water over us and mixes the ashes into clay. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-15T20:28:57+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Ashes, God, Water|
Feelings are indicators, not dictators. They can indicate where your heart is in the moment, but that doesn’t mean they have the right to dictate your behavior and boss you around. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-10-15T20:23:38+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Dictators, Heart|
God can take what Satan meant for shame and use it for His glory. Lysa TerKeurstAdler2019-11-04T18:34:19+00:00Categories: Lysa TerKeurst|Tags: Glory, God, Satan|
The strength of patience hangs on our capacity to believe that God is up to something good for us in all our delays and detours. John PiperAdler2019-10-15T17:52:40+00:00Categories: John Piper|Tags: God, Good, Strength|